UNICEF's name offers hope through 
the malaise experienced by Gen Z: 
between “u” and “f”, lives “nice.” 
We are going to embrace the science behind being nice.

The Brief: Lions Submission

Niceology Tests

Influencer Activation


New research shows that being nice can lower blood pressure 
and reduce cortisol - a hormone linked to stress (Mayo Clinic).


We're using the power of nice as a wake-up call to prove that everyday actions from individuals can serve as the ultimate catalyst for a brighter future for children.


We're jumping into the “man on the street” trend with an influencer-led experiment to show how small acts of kindness boost serotonin (SSMHealth.com). Everyday strangers will be asked to do something nice, like holding a door or helping at the grocery store, and then share how it made them feel.

We’ll also conduct a long-term study to track how acts of kindness can lead to lower blood pressure and reduce stress over time. Participants will undergo physical tests to assess if engaging in kindness helps them outperform their past selves.

The Face of uNICEf

Digital Activation

Smiling activates mirror neurons, making 
niceness contagious.

IDEA: We want to jolt people out of their apathy and empower them to realize that sharing a smile is an easy way make the world nicer. 

We'll create a custom filter that enhances users' features into the ultimate smile. It will encourage users to share their smiles, spreading positivity and amplifying the ripple effect of kindness across social platform.

To amplify kindness in specific locations, we'll find “miserable” adults on the jumbotron at sporting events and superimpose a big smile on their faces with an overlay that says “uNICEf smile.”

uNICEf Reaction Button

Social Activation

 Research shows that each like or positive comment leads to the release of dopamine (Harvard Research). 

Our campaign launch will culminate on International Children's Day, June 8th, 2025. Partnering with Facebook, we’ll introduce a “nice” reaction button, with each click triggering a $1.90 donation for the 190 countries we serve.