
Make a list of all the things you need and let Dana do her thing.  Ten minutes have already passed and you’re ready to get out of there.  You stare at Dana and notice she has found herself in a comfortable squat in aisle three.  At this point her butt is so close to swiping the cold tile floors she may as well go full throttle and sit down. Her phone is in front of her as she reaches out to fully investigate each option.  

You get bored and check your phone to see that the two of you have been in the store for twelve minutes now.  You may become aggravated thinking her undiagnosed ADHD is allowing her to text people on her phone.  Oh, that is not the case.  She is digging dip into a Google search for the best reviews on razors. 

HINT: Physically pick up an option and hand them to her. Dana always goes to friends for guidance because in her eyes they know best and would never lie to her.

~A memoir from Dana herself~

My leg cramps were real last Monday when I was bent over in Walgreens buying razors.  I was in a slight panic when my phone flashed 5% battery as I urgently typed into Google “What is the best kind of razor?”  I couldn’t take what I was reading seriously because the thought that these razors companies were paying to be recommended haunted me.  Before I know it my friend hands me the perfect box of razors and I feel confident in her choice.  My leg muscles untangle as I make my way to the cash register.